DERMAPIA challenges for meaningful and valuable things. What we say “Meaningful and Valuable” is to pursue a healthy system that benefits and bliss you. We want to empathize with your healthy nature. We want to share the value of the beauty of your essence.

DERMAPIA started as a cosmetic brand to find the balance of “skin wellness”, and to find essence of your beauty. Now, we will devote all our energies to ensuring that the systems we belong to are in a healthy balance. DERMAPIA will constantly ask more fundamental problems, and will bring these together to find difference.

DERMAPIA never pursue ‘PERFECTION’. Because sometimes perfection can upset the balance of whole system. Therefore, we will find a solution to benefit you by knowing what we have and what we don’t.

DERMAPIA Cosmetics will pursue your beauty and wellness. DERMAPIA Health will bridge the sound relationship of loved ones. DERMAPIA will be a tool to discover our intrinsic beauty and to a healthy balance in the system we belong to.

We are with you on your journey finding what you already have.


You are good enough.

You are just beautiful enough.

We often forget this.
DERMAPIA supports what you already have inside.
We will be on the journey to empathize your beauty and wellness.


Based on empathy,
we create an ecosystem where valuable things happen.